Label: Lawo Classics
Format: CD
Barcode: 7090020180496
Catalog number: LWC 1048
Releasedate: 15-01-14
Format: CD
Barcode: 7090020180496
Catalog number: LWC 1048
Releasedate: 15-01-14
Spanish music is for many synonymous with flamenco. On this recording, Itziar Galdos and Per Arne Frantzen wish to show that Spain has infinitely more to offer, as they introduce the listener to music from three regions: Galicia, Basque Country, and Catalonia. Each of the regions has its own language and its own musical character, and on this album they are represented by both through-composed music and traditional folk songs.

2Lua de Vrau02:27
4Eu coa miña monteira02:53
5Meu Amor Meu Amoriño03:14
6Canta Ó Galo Ven01:43
8Otz eta Ixiltsu01:15
9Zure Mosuan01:25
10Lotoren Lorak02:51
11Eres Dagie Txilibituak01:08
12Agertu-yatan orrilla01:40
13Loa, Loa03:11
14Lili Eder Bat02:18
15Aldapeko Sagarraren00:40
16Nik Baditut02:04
17Iruten Ari Nuzu01:03
18Atzo Ttun Ttun00:47
19Damunt de tu només les flors04:02
20Aquesta Nit un Mateix Vent02:47
21Jo et Pressentia com la Mar02:06
22Fes me la Vida Transparent03:16
23Quan la Llàntia s’Apagà03:46
24Era el Capvespre02:56
25Es una Nit d’Abril03:26
26El Rossinyol01:50
27El Noi de la Mare01:18
28El Cant dels Ocells02:35