Historical Recordings
Maurice Ravel - Johannes Brahms - Othmar Schoeck - Johann Strauss II - Frédéric Chopin - Thomas Blomenkamp - Christian Banasik

Historical Recordings

Karlrobert Kreiten

Label: CAvi
Format: CD
Barcode: 4260085531554
Catalog number: AVI 8553155
Releasedate: 17-02-17
- Karlrobert Kreiten was a young German phenomenal Pianist murdered by the Nazis 1943 due to defamation and backstabbing
- A Pupil of Claudio Arrau supposed to make a worldwide outstanding carrier
- 2016 it was the 100st birthday
- These are the only recordings left which Karlrobert Kreiten made between 1933-1938.
This new release contains the complete preserved recordings of Karlrobert Kreiten. This explains the fact that certain pieces are presented in two different versions, along with two further recordings whose quality might be deemed unacceptable, yet which we have nevertheless included as a sort of postscript at the end. Indeed, such poor recording quality emblematically reflects the problematic handling of Karlrobert Kreiten's legacy. For many years, no document of Kreiten's piano playing had ever surfaced. In 1983, however, Emmy Kreiten-Barido finally authorized the Thorofon firm to publish some of her late son's private recordings as part of a commemorative LP. The original phonograph records used as a basis for that LP are apparently lost; thus, for the current release, we have had to retrace the steps presumably taken in the course of the 1983 mastering process in order to process the signla with the digital techniques now available...