Virtuoso Dances
Johannes Brahms - Béla Bartók - Karol Szymanovski - Igor Stravinsky - Antonio Bazzini

Virtuoso Dances

Linus Roth & José Gallardo

Label: Evil Penguin
Format: CD
Barcode: 0608917722420
Catalog number: EPRC 0037
Releasedate: 05-03-21

~ stunning new recording by the compelling combination of Award-winning violinist, Linus Roth and his long-term musical partner, pianist José Gallardo

~ recording takes the dance music of leading composers Bartók, Stravinsky,  Piazzolla, Brahms, Wieniawski, Bazzini and Szymanowski as its central focus

~ Argentine pianist, José Gallardo brings authenticity and verve to the tango

~ the project grew out of lockdown necessity and encourages listeners to feel both inspired and hopeful

2020... Sitting at home with no performances ahead brought Linus Roth back to his notebooks, in which he had been jotting down random musical ideas over the course of many years. One of them that suddenly struck him, was an idea for a recording programme made up of some of his most beloved pieces for violin and piano, all of which had in common both a virtuoso character and that they were all dances. What better way to lift the spirits than with dance music? Linus called his long term musical partner, pianist José Gallardo and five weeks later, they had the remarkable opportunity to record the album in the visually stunning and acoustically unique Library of the former monastery in Ochsenhausen, Germany, home of the Music Academy of Baden-Württemberg.